November 2, 2022


8th Birdwatching, natural history, photography and diving expedition to Cocos Island.

Cocos Island For All.

The remote Cocos Island, a dream for naturalists, birders and divers, now accesible with us. We have already run 7 successful birding and wildlife expeditions to the remote Island, so we are ready to give you the best experience.

Yellow Warbler (Galapagos subespecies) are also found in the island. Serge Arias.

THE TRIP: The next trip starts April 17, 2025 in the afternoon and ends April 27, 2025 in the morning when we dock back in Puntarenas. 

A White Tern in the Yglesias Hill Trail, they are also called Fairy Terns and are found in the Island from Feb to October. Sergio Arias.


–  Departing spot is a private dock in Puntarenas. We will provide a free shuttle from San José downtown and back.

– We will have a pelagic in and out days, and 7 days at the island for birding along the Shores and Mirador Aguacate in Chatham Bay, also the Wafer Bay and the Yglesias hill (summit of the extinct volcano) we will take short walks and spend a lot of time looking out and views to the birds and landscape. We will be able to get natural showers in small fresh water ponds at the end of some of the walks by the shore. 

Cocos in a cloudy day. Still gorgeous. Serge Arias.

– Our birding-nature activities will be concentrated in Chatham Bay and Wafer Bay at the shore and trails, also from our boat and some evenings we will take visits to the cliffs and rocky islands for boobies and noddies on a dinghy. All the endemics are abundant in the trail in Chatham, in our latest trip we saw most of them on a daily basis.

A White Tern and a Great Frigatebird sharing the perch on an endemic cecropia tree of the island. Serge Arias.

Our April 17-27, 2025 map and activities plan.

– Landing from the dinghy in the Chatham and Wafer Bays is wet, we might get water to the level of your knees or chest depending on tide (some landings can be dry but be prepared for wet landings), bring plenty of extra clothing and dry bags for your gear.

Eastern Facade of the Cocos Island in a clear day, it is possible to spot the Summit of the extinct volcano. Serge Arias.

Day 1: April 17 – BOARDING AND DEPARTURE TO COCOS: When all passengers have arrived on board (we will provide a free shuttle from San Jose if required), the vessel will take a 32-36 hour cruise out to Cocos Island. We will have an early dinner and familiarize ourselves with the rocking of the boat. Check list and recommendations, printed materials, all boat instructions and rules will be provided by your guide and crew.

A Wandering Tattler preening while a Black-tipped reef shark cruises the shore in Chatham Bay. Serge Arias.

Day 2: April 18 – A whole day of cruise in the vast Pacific: A travel day on the ship. Enjoy the Pacific and the sunshine at your leisure, great pelagic birding opportunities with your guide, take notes and read the program, check list and materials we will provide, we will be giving identification tips and we will have talks with our tour leader about the birds and other wildlife to expect. During the travel time if you have a diving license you might want to take one of the lessons and join the divers in activities (this will represent additional costs and we must pre arrange that day’s prior departure). Morning will be calm but your guide will be at the sun deck birding, after lunch after lunch we will spend time at the bow of the ship for more pelagic opportunities, Red-footed boobies and Brown Noddies will escort our vessel, also we will check for storm Petrels including Wedge-rumped, Markham’s, Leach’s and Black, also Galapagos, Punk-footed and Wedge-tailed shearwaters. We will probably also spot turtles and dolphins. We will take dinner and rest. 

Cocos Cuckoo, endemic, and one of the main reasons to visit the island for birding purposes.

Day 3: April 19 – ARRIVAL TO COCOS: We will wake up at 1.30 to 2 am to check for potential sightings of the very special Swallow-tailed Gull fishing and chasing our boat lights (Seen in in every past expedition). We will rest and wake up by 6 am for breakfast and we will have our first view of Jurassic looking Island, probably with some rain, clouds and rainbows around. Cocos, Masked and Red Footed Boobies, plus noddies and other sea birds will welcome our pumping hearts while we approach Chatham bay for breakfast and our first walk on the island. Our first official day on the island. We will be taken to the shore and take a morning of walking up to the Mirador Aguacate and Radar in search for our first endemic and warm welcoming Cocos Finches, the only Darwin Finch out of the Galapagos and one of our main targets, we will look for White Terns, Magnificent and Great Frigate Birds, also the endemic Cocos Cuckoo and Cocos Tyrannulet. We will go back on the vessel for lunch, in the afternoon we can walk the same trail again or spend the afternoon birding from our boat. 

Cocos Finches (endemic), are abundant in the both Bays (Chatham and Wafer), also along the trails, and are our meet and greet committee as we land in the remote location. Serge Arias.


We will have a skiff for taking us to and from the ship, we will go birding the perimeter of Cocos Island for marine birds in the rocks. Our birding will be concentrated on many visits at the Chatham Bay and Wafer Bay shore and trails. OOne of our main target is to register and photograph the 3 endemics to the island Cocos Cuckoo (Coccyzus ferrugineus), Cocos Flycatcher (Nesotriccus ridgwayi) and Cocos Finch (Pinaroloxias inornata), plus the other resident birds and endemic fauna.  

Cocos Flycatcher, completes the Holy Trinity of the island, and also a mega target during the trip. Serge Arias.

Cocos Island receives an average of 25 feet of rainfall per year, resulting in a covering of lush green foliage. Waterfalls abound, of which there are up to 70 falls of varying sizes during the peak of the rainy season. The island also supports a verdant, high-altitude cloud forest. Rare for a small island, this is made possible by dramatic topography, abundant rainfall and surplus water stored in the porous reservoirs of the island itself. This extraordinary island ecosystem is unique to Cocos alone, of all the islands of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (Clipperton, the Revillagigedos, the Galapagos Islands, and Malpelo). We will have different visits to the island according to the weather conditions for getting as many of the birds as possible. This is a target species tour, mainly for the birds but also for the other endemic wildlife including lizards, trees and more. Some days we will take visits on the dinghy to the rocky small islands of Dos Amigos, the only place where the Masked and Nazca Boobies are found in the entire island. We will also visit a waterfall and many of the cliffs from the boat for birding. Some early mornings we will circle the island visiting cliffs and offshore rocks for sunrise and sunset birding.

Masked Boobies have a nesting colony, along with Nazca and Brown Boobies in the Dos Amigos rocks in the South Easter side of the island, they are only found there. Serge Arias.

At Chatham Bay there is the famous pirates stones beach where we will find the chiseled signs on the rocks of famous pirates and explorers of the past including Coustea.

Nesting Great Frigatebirds re found along the trails. Serge Arias.

On day 8 we will visit Yglesias  hill, the summit of the island. The vessel will move to be anchored in Chatham or Wafer Bay during the trip, and based on the bay where we will arrange with the captain the locations to be visited (Shores, rocky islands, cliffs and the Chatham Bay and trail). On day 9 in the evening we will depart back to Puntarenas. That night we will try again for the Swallow-tailed Gull. 

Highlights includes a visit to the lowest cloudforest on Earth. On the walk to the summit of the island. Serge Arias.

Day 10 April 26, PELAGIC CRUISING BACK TO MAINLAND: A whole day cruising back, we will spend some time birding for pelagic opportunities from the vessel including more Petrels and Shearwaters. We will have a meeting with the crew and the gift shop will open to buy shirts and memories of the island.

Sooty Terns nest in the Gisler rock at the Wafer Bay. Serge Arias.

Day 11, April 27: We will arrive by 6 am to Puntarenas, and after breakfast you will be allowed to leave the boat. You can continue to your extension trips and adventures. We will provide a free shuttle back to San Jose.

Migratory and Vagrant birds are a great addition, for example this cute American Golden Plover. Serge Arias.

PRICING: For pricing and more details drop us an email to or a WhatsApp message to +506 83589938. Serge Arias.

Diving is great addition to the trip, even the non divers can take a discovery dive the last evening in the coral gardens of Manuelita Island.

More details and information contact us by email

This is a one of its kind trip that must be booked at least 4-6 months prior departure due to vessel logistics, approaching the departure dates won’t be possible to sign.

Swallow-tailed Gull have been spotted in all the last trips. Serge Arias.

eBird Trip reports of the past 7 expeditions:

VII Expedition (April 1-11 2024)

VI Expedition Island section (March 26-April 3)

VI Expedition Pelagic (March 26 – April 4 2022)

V Expedition (Nov 9-19 2021)

IV Expedition (May 13-23 2021)

III Expedition (Jan 5-15 2021)

II Expedition (Aug 30 _ Sept 9 2020)

I Expedition (July 11-21 2020)

Markham’s Storm Petrel is a highlight in the pelagic cruising to Cocos, plenty of seabirds are potential during the long journey. Serge Arias.

#puravidabirding #flocktococos